Vacancy Notice
Communications Officer / Editor (long-term)
Communications Officer / Editor (long-term)
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Mongolia is contributing to improved and securer livelihoods of herders and ex-herders in rural areas focusing on improving sustainable use and rehabilitation of natural resources and supporting ecologically-oriented social and economic development. With SDC’s expanding project work, there is a need for more streamlined and centralized communications and public relations to ensure coherent communications of SDC’s programmes to media and public both in Mongolia and overseas. As such, SDC is looking for a Communications Officer / Editor in English and Mongolian, who will work under supervision of the Head of the Media and Communications for a unified and coherent communications both from and within SDC. The incumbent will work in a dynamic team in a stimulating work environment. The expected starting date is October 13, 2008.
For further information about SDC, please visit or email to
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