Friday, February 01, 2008

Hatsu basho television ratings the highest this decade

Television numbers were released yesterday, and it was announced that the average viewing audience during senshuraku of the Hatsu basho was 24.4%. NHK said that it was the highest ratings this decade, and the first time the number has been above 20% since the 2006 Haru basho, which produced a rating of 22.5%. NHK also revealed that the peak audience tuned in for the Asashoryu - Hakuho matchup, which produced a 34.1% number.



D.Sainbayar February 2, 2008 at 5:54 AM  

i wonder how high the rating was with the mongolian tv's.

Сэтгэгдэл бичих

Зэсийн Ханш

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